Free download Bangla E-book By Begum Rokeya
Begum Roquia also known as Begum Roquia Sakhawat
Hussain, Begum R. S. Hussain or Begum Rokeya, was a pioneer of women's
liberation movement in the Indian subcontinent. Roquia Khatun(name
before his marrige) was born in 1880 in the village of Pairabondh,
Rangpur, in what was then the British Indian Empire and is now
Bangladesh. Her family was an aristrocratic Muslim family. Her father,
Jahiruddin Muhammad Abu Ali Haidar Saber, was a highly educated landlord .
English and Bangla ware forbidden languages at her home. The medium of
education at home was the combination of both Arabic and Persian
languages. But Roquia eventually learned both English and Bangla with
the help of her elder brother Ibraheem. Roquia married at the age of
sixteen in 1896. Her Urdu-speaking husband, Khan Bahadur Sakhawat
Hussain, was the Deputy Magistrate of Bhagalpur, which is now a
district under the Indian state of Bihar. Sakhawat Hussain also was a
progressive supporter of the women's education movement. He continued
her brother's work by encouraging her to keep learning Bangla and
English. He also suggested that she write, and on his advice she
adopted Bangla as the principal language for her literary works because
it was the language of the masses. He encouraged his wife to accumulate
money to use in the founding of a school primarily for Muslim girls.
Begum Roquia set up the Sakhawat Memorial High School in 1909, naming
it in tribute of her husband who died earlier the same year. She wrote
courageously against restrictions on women in order to promote their
emancipation, which, she believed, would come about by breaking the
gender division of labor. She rejected discrimination for women in the
public arena and believed that discrimination would cease only when
women were able to undertake whatever profession they chose. Well-known
and respected as a social reformer, thinker, writer and feminist, Begum
Rokeya died in Calcutta in 1932 after a long life struggling so that
other women might do as she had and be free to be themselves. She
remains a revered and celebrated figure in the history of Bangladesh.
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